Most Effective Diet to get the rid of Acne Skin Easily

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Most Effective Diet to get the rid of Acne Skin Easily

Maintaining a diet for acne-prone skin can be a powerful way to prevent acne. Because, acne appears not only a matter of clogged pores, but also hormonal.

Tried various kinds of serum, already. Changing face wash soap, already. But pimples keep popping up again and again. Perhaps, the key that is no less crucial is to maintain a diet for acne-prone skin. Because, acne appears not only a matter of clogged pores, but also hormonal.

When it comes to hormones and body conditions, acne-preventing foods are definitely in the spotlight. Not just a myth, there are studies that support that a healthy diet can prevent and cure acne.

Diet Effect on skin

Most Effective Diet to get the rid of Acne Skin Easily
Cape Verdean woman eating salad

When blood sugar levels rise rapidly, the body will produce the hormone insulin. Excess insulin in the blood makes the oil glands more active and the risk of skin breakouts increases.

If you want to maintain a diet for acne-prone skin, avoid the following types of triggers:

  • White rice
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Sugar

Not to mention the possibility of foods with saturated fat trigger inflammation. This will also relate to the problem of acne. acne breakouts . This is because these kinds of foods stimulate hormone production so that the oil glands are more active.

Acne prevention food

There are several studies that support this. Research team from South Korea researched that consumption of low-glycemic foods for 10 weeks can cure acne skin.

Not only that, another study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology in April 2019 found that a low-glycemic diet for 3 months can lose weight and get rid of acne.

Types of acne-preventing foods that can be an option include: The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology in April 2019 found that a low-glycemic diet for 3 months can lose weight and get rid of acne.

Types of acne-preventing foods that can be an option include:

  • Apricot
  • Spinach
  • Brown rice
  • Blueberries
  • Whole Grain
  • Nuts
  • Wheat bread
  • Green vegetable
  • Tomato
  • Sweet potato
  • Carrot

However, it should be underlined that foods that have an impact on one’s skin do not necessarily have the same effect when consumed by others. So, it’s a good idea to try it first and see which type of acne-preventing food is the most effective.

Do not forget to always record any food that triggers a sensitive reaction in the digestive tract to allergies.

Explore the content of acne-preventing foods

Furthermore, there are several types of content in acne-preventing foods that can be friends for the skin, including:

1. Zinc

Research published in August 2007 suggests consuming as much as 40 milligrams of zinc per day for those with severe acne problems. A study from a research team in Iran explained that consuming foods rich in the mineral zinc or zinc can keep hormones stable. When zinc levels in the body are too low, acne will get worse.

So, if you want to maintain a diet for acne-prone skin, try eating foods high in zinc minerals such as:

  • Beef
  • Quinoa
  • Lentils
  • Crab
  • Cashews
  • Pumpkin seeds

2. Vitamin A and Vitamin E

In that study, people with acne problems were recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin E. However, especially for the consumption of vitamin A supplements, consult your doctor first because excessive intake can actually damage vital organs. Researchers from the University of Afyon Kocatepe, Turkey , also published that low levels of vitamin A and vitamin E in the body can aggravate acne conditions.

3. Antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids

Given that acne can also cause a person to feel stressed, consuming omega-3s and these antioxidants can be beneficial. A study published in October 2008 found that people who took daily supplements of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids had a reduced risk of skin breakouts. In fact, mental health is more awake.

Below are some juices that have benefits to prevent acne from appearing on your facial skin. Check out the full description!

7 Juices for Solve Acne problem

1. Tomato Juice

As a fruit, tomatoes have many benefits for the health of the body and even the health of your skin. Tomato juice can clean the skin, lighten acne scars and also tomato juice can cure acne on your facial skin.

2. Carrot Juice Carrots

also have many benefits. Carrots can be made into juice and can clean your facial skin from acne and can also nourish your skin. In the morning before breakfast you can consume carrot juice to get the benefits, besides that you can also apply it on the part of the facial skin that is affected by acne.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon can also be juiced and is useful as a natural whitener and can clean the skin. You can use a squeezed lemon and then rub it on the skin of the face so that acne scars can disappear and new pimples that appear can be reduced.

4. Aloe Vera Juice Aloe

Aloe vera can also be used as a natural remedy to get rid of acne on your face. In addition to treating acne, aloe vera can also remove scars caused by acne. Prevention of acne and other skin health can also be done by using aloe vera, but for its use you must be careful because aloe vera has a sap that is right under the skin and has laxative properties.

5. Melon Juice

Melon juice contains vitamin A and of course is beneficial for the health of your body and also your skin. Acne can also be treated by using this melon juice.

6. Orange Juice Orange

juice has a high vitamin C content, besides that orange juice has antioxidants that are useful for the skin. You can use orange juice to get rid of pimples on your facial skin. In addition, you can also make a mask from this orange material to get rid of acne.

7. Strawberry Juice

The benefits of strawberry fruit juice can also prevent and get rid of acne quickly, because in the content of strawberry fruit juice contains vitamin C, alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), salicylic acid and flavonoids that can kill acne-causing bacteria and get rid of acne quickly. In addition, strawberry fruit juice can also reduce the excess oil content which is one of the causes of acne.

Most Effective Diet to get the rid of Acne Skin Easily

Above are 7 juices that have benefits that can get rid of acne. If consumed properly and correctly you will get the benefits of the various juices above.

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