5 Exercise to Improve Muscle Building During The Running

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5 Exercise to Improve Muscle Building During The Running

Among male athletes, there are often two irreconcilable camps. On the one hand, the iron freaks who want to gain muscle mass and lift weights turn red. On the other hand, cardio addicts who always have an eye on their chrono and for whom gaining volume would mean losing mobility. However, for any runner, naturally a member of the second camp, there is a happy medium to gain muscle without losing performance: muscle strengthening . For each exercise, we will detail the essential elements for a good execution. The whole will be embellished with photos which break down the movement. Ready ? Go!


Let it be said, muscle building will not increase our VO2 max , that is to say the amount of oxygen that our lungs are able to inhale, transmit into the blood and that the muscles will have to capture. . For this, nothing will replace training with interval training . On the other hand, strengthening muscles will notably improve the so-called explosive force , our anaerobic capacities (when we produce an effort “in resistance”), our endurance or even our maximum speed.. The opportunity to remember that, unlike me, it is preferable to perform your muscle building session with shoes suitable for this type of exercise. I’m

5 Exercise to Improve Muscle Building During The Running

For these strengthening exercises, there is no question of targeting only the legs. Running uses the whole body , so you will need to strengthen different parts. The exercises below can be performed in turn. If this is the case, it is necessary to achieve between 30 seconds and 1 minute of effort (depending on the level and the form of the day). Then, wait for his heart rate to drop again before moving on to the next exercise. It is also possible to perform the exercises one by one. For this, it is necessary to perform between 3 and 5 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions and keep the same principle of recovery as that stated above.

1. Squat with ankle extensions

5 Exercise to Improve Muscle Building During The Running

Stand with your back straight, feet under the hips and arms at your sides. This involves flexing the hip and knees simultaneously as if to sit, with a slight archon the lower back. The whole body weight is on the heels at the moment, the toes are slightly lifted. Once down, you will have to push on the heels to go up and straighten up in order to shift the weight of the body on the front of the feet. We end up on tiptoes, engaging the glutes, calves and thighs. In the final position, the shoulders, hips, knees and ankles are aligned vertically.

Keep your arms close to your chest on the descent to place them alongside your body on the ascent. A variant is possible using an elastic band placed at the level of the knees, trying to spread the knees on each squat in order to solicit the adductors.

Key points :

  • Straight back
  • The knees do not go beyond the toes
  • Final alignment of wrists, shoulders, hip, knees, ankles
  • Keep abs tight

2. Step up (mounted on a bench, chair, crate)

Standing near a bench, chair or crosswise crate, this involves performing a one-leg climb, putting the heel first and keeping the back straight. Then, with your full body weight on the heel and knee at 90 degrees, push so that you are fully up on the bench, sending the knee of the other leg to hip level. Return to the starting position then do the same with the other leg and so on. You can use your arms to keep your balance during the movement. In the final position, we are balanced on one leg with alignment of the ankle, knee, hip and shoulder. For the other leg, the knee is at 90 degrees, at hip height.

Key points :

  • Straight back
  • Keep abs tight
  • Body weight on heel
  • 90 degree knee
  • Final alignment shoulder, hip, knee, ankle on the supporting leg

3. Chair (with or without variant)

With your back to a wall for support, lower your bust along the wall with your back as if to sit on a chair. The feet are separated to the width of the pelvis, resting on the heels to put all the weight of the body. The arms are against the wall and the knees are at a 90 degree angle. The abs are tight as hard as possible. As an alternative in order to intensify and make the exercise more functional, we can take off the heels to end up on the tiptoes, and extend our arms in front of us at shoulder height, while keeping the back straight along from the wall.

Key points :

  • Keep your back straight against the wall
  • Knees at right angles
  • Knees above ankles
  • Arms along the wall and not on the thighs (with variation, the arms are in front and at shoulder height)
  • Weight of the body on the heels with the toes slightly raised (alternatively, the weight of the body is on the front of the feet and the heels are off)
  • Keep abs tight

4. Mountain Climber

Position yourself facing the ground, like starting a sprint. Place the hands under the shoulders. This involves alternating the right leg and the left leg with a back and forth movement of the scissors while remaining on the tiptoes. Abs are still tight. Observe a slow and regular rhythm on each execution, in order to optimize the work of the hip flexors and of the core in general. Accentuate the exhalation when the knee is brought back to the level of the chest in order to optimize the abdominal work.

Key points :

  • Hands under the shoulders
  • Alternate left and right leg with a slow and steady rhythm
  • Do not lock the elbows
  • Keep your back straight
  • Breathe out when bringing the knee back

5. Superman draw

The movement is done lying on the floor face down, face down, arms outstretched trying to grow taller. You will have to take off simultaneously the legs and the upper body. Once in the high position, perform a pull-up with the arms, bringing the elbows close to the body and squeezing the shoulder blades as hard as possible. Hold the position for 5 seconds then return to the starting position. During each execution, keep your gaze towards the ground in order to avoid any movement of the neck. In the high position, we are resting on the stomach. Contract it as much as possible without pushing your stomach forward.

Key points :

  • Starting position lying on the floor face down, face down, arms outstretched
  • Always looking down to the ground
  • When pulling keep the elbows close to the body
  • Keep the abs tight without pushing the stomach forward
  • In a high position, balance on your stomach

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