How to Get Rid of Stomach Ache at Home Easily in 2021

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How to Get Rid of Stomach Ache at Home Easily in 2021

The belly is physiologically our “ second brain ” and it is directly linked to our emotions. Even without illness or junk food, it can, under the influence of stress, make our lives uncomfortable .

Who has not known small or large digestive disorders just because of an emotion (fear, anger, sadness, but also joy) or an existential anguish ?

This can simply result in heavier digestion , constipation, bloating or gas, fatigue, but the signs can also be more annoying (nausea, reflux, burns, spasms, etc …), or even lead to suffering with severe abdominal pain on doubling over, or running to the toilet for vomiting or diarrhea!

Why do emotions impact our intestines… and vice versa!

How to Get Rid of Stomach Ache at Home Easily in 2021

Our intestine is filled with millions of nerves : scientists call it the “second brain”. It is connected to the “first brain” (the one in our skull) by a two -way neuro-hormonal highway .

It is easy to imagine that our first brain , the great conductor of our nerves and our hormones, directly impacts our intestines when we are stressed, as it also impacts, for example, our heart by accelerating it.

In the other direction, it is just as obvious that the intestine (like most of the organs) regularly informs the brain of its state (filling, pain) so that the latter makes us react in the right way (more or less to eat. , self-care, etc.).

The recent discovery is that the bacteria that colonize the inside of our digestive tract (called “intestinal flora” or “microbiota”) also communicate directly with our brain via this highway… and vice versa.

It has been proven, for example, that it is in the belly that 95% of serotonin is produced. This chemical messenger of the nervous system is a hormone that directly influences the centers of regulation of our moods in the brain. Serotonin is also the basis of the synthesis of melatonin, which is a key hormone in the induction of sleep .

The intestine can influence not only our emotional state , our sleep, but also our memory, our concentration, our sense of analysis. Chronic disorders of the intestine or an imbalance of the microbial flora can even induce and / or maintain a depressive state .

When we are stressed, we will generally console ourselves with an industrial diet often too fatty, too sweet or deficient in fiber, we do less sport and we sleep less well … All of this will disorganize our microbiota and reduce its protective role of the intestinal mucosa. The intestine, less well protected from external aggressions, will then tend to ignite and assimilate nutrients less well. The dysregulated intestinal flora will have a harder time synthesizing chemical messengers that regulate our mood, such as serotonin. Suddenly we are even more stressed … we will again console ourselves with the bad foods and the vicious circlekeep on going ! Fortunately there are alternative strategies.

What to do to calm the intestine when you are stressed?

First of all, of course, you have to make sure that the digestive signs do not hide disease or lesions . It goes without saying that you should consult a doctor first if the symptoms cause severe pain or if they have lasted for several weeks.

In all cases, your approach should be comprehensive. Calming the intestine requires using several levers, this is called a holistic approach.

A better diet to take care of your intestinal flora in the long term and avoid adding fuel to the fire!

  • Limit the consumption of foods that are too fatty (fries, crisps, pizza, hamburgers, industrial sauces, cold meats, excess cheese, etc.) or too sweet (sweets, pastries, sodas, cookies, ice cream, etc.), milk, coffee and alcohol.
  • Increase your consumption of foods richer in fiber (raw or cooked fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and oilseeds, whole grains) or alkalizing drinks (water, PAF juice , coconut water, gazpachos, herbal teas, vegetable milks, etc.)
  • Eat light in the evening (salad and raw vegetables, soup, PAF vegetable juice …), or even practice a young intermittent by skipping dinner once or twice a week .
  • Possibly, experiment with limiting (or suspending) for 3 weeks your consumption of products containing gluten (wheat, barley, oats, rye): bread, pies, cookies, pizzas, cakes, muesli … There are commercially available many “gluten-free” alternatives. If you see a marked improvement in your signs, it may mean that your stress is increasing your sensitivity to gluten (intolerance), without you being really allergic to it.
  • Carefully chew every bite until your food bowl turns to porridge.

In the event of a stress-related crisis, here is a mini-plan to pamper your stomach:

  • Stop eating for at least 4 hours. Drinking water slowly when you are stressed is a simple first remedy to calm yourself down.
  • Take a digestive infusion made from one or more of the following plants: ginger, lemon balm, rosemary, thyme, dandelion, nettle.
  • Sit down (if possible on a sofa / bed) and put a hot water bottle on your stomach . The heat is relaxing for you and for your intestines!
  • Then, still in a lying position, massage your stomach using your guiding hand. The principle is simple but you have to follow the direction of digestion:
    place the 3 longest fingers of your hand flat under the breastbone (place of the belly, in the center, where the ribs meet);
  • with a light pressure of the fingers, slide on the left side along the ribs, drawing a circle to the pubis (about three fingers below the navel);
  • then go up on the right side to go back along the ribs while continuing to make a smaller and smaller spiral up to the navel;
  • reposition your hand at the level of the breastbone then repeat the movement for 3 minutes, very slowly.

You can improve the effects of this self-massage by massaging with a mixture consisting of a teaspoon of vegetable oil (olive, sesame, sweet almond…) mixed with 3 drops of essential oil of basil or true lavender.

Food supplements that help calm the effects of stress on the digestive system:

The balm is the plant that best calm digestive disorders related to stress. Take a 3-week cure based on capsules (4 to 6 capsules per day before meals) or fresh plant extract (20 to 30 drops of mother tincture diluted in a glass of water between meals). They can be found in organic shops and pharmacies.

The magnesium. Please note: there are many forms of magnesium on the market and in pharmacies. The most common (and cheapest) is marine magnesium but it is also the least assimilable and the one which can cause slight digestive disorders (laxative effect). The recommended forms of magnesium are citrate, bisglycinate, glycerophosphate, or magnesium malate. Take a good look at the composition of the food supplement you buy and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The fig tree buds extracts are known to have positive effects on the digestive problems associated with stress because they help to restore the balance of the autonomic nervous system, especially in calming nervousness. For 3 weeks, swallow 15 drops per day (in one or more times) diluted in a glass of water.

If you do not have a digestive disease, a naturopath can guide you in your dietary recalibration and towards the dietary supplements most suited to your situation.

What to do to calm stress when you have digestive problems?

Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce stress and its effects on digestion. Here is a selection of the simplest and most effective methods:

  • Conscious breathing relaxes the diaphragm, which is often blocked when you are stressed. It suffices to take 1 to 5 minutes to breathe slowly by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, ideally by inflating and deflating the belly (so-called “ventral” breathing).
  • Physical activity : it is scientifically proven that physical activity acts on the harmony of the vegetative nervous system and even on the balance of the intestinal flora! Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle (sitting in front of a screen for several hours a day) disrupts all these fragile balances. It is advisable to practice at least 30 minutes of physical activity 3 times a week: this can simply consist of active walking, cycling or swimming. Qi-Gong, dance, Swedish gym, yoga, aquagym, running are all sports after which we often feel more relaxed!
  • Sophrology, hypnosis and self-hypnosis are techniques aimed at modifying the state of consciousness to relax the body in depth. With the help of a sophrologist or a hypno-therapist you can learn in a few sessions to relax quickly, first by being guided by the therapist, then by reproducing the sequences alone at home (auto -hypnosis).
  • The acupuncture is a holistic approach end of Chinese medicine. Used for hundreds of years, it aims to better circulate the energy of the organs and for this uses very fine and painless needles positioned on specific points of the skin. Particular attention is paid to the energies of the liver, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine and stomach according to the seasons.

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