7 Most Important Differences Between Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee that You Should Know

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7 Most Important Differences Between Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee that You Should Know

There are many ways for people to enjoy coffee, the variants of which are very diverse today, ranging from instant coffee to ground coffee which is in great demand. As a coffee connoisseur, do you know the difference between instant coffee and ground coffee?

If tea is known as the right drink to be enjoyed while relaxing, it is useful to calm the mind.

Coffee is actually one of the drinks to relieve drowsiness that is suitable to be enjoyed while completing work or maybe while being chased by a dateline.

Coffee is indeed very popular with the public, maybe even throughout the world. Drinking coffee seems to have become a culture in the wider community today.

7 Most Important Differences Between Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee that You Should Know

Yep, coffee has indeed become the most popular drink to ward off sleepiness since the 9th century. Since then, coffee has continued to grow rapidly throughout the world and its variants.

When deciding what kind of coffee we will make, we are always faced with the decision between instant coffee and ground coffee. In many offices and corporate buildings, we will find coffee machines with instant coffee cups.

With the development of technology, everything is made instantaneous with the aim of making it more practical. But for coffee lovers, you will feel the difference between instant coffee and ground coffee.

But why are these two types of coffee available? And more importantly, what is the difference between instant coffee and ground coffee? Let’s continue to read this article until the end.

Difference Between Instant Coffee And Ground Coffee

7 Most Important Differences Between Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee that You Should Know

There are some differences between instant coffee and ground coffee, but the most obvious is in the process that the instant coffee is already brewed and dried. While the ground coffee has not been brewed, and only ground coffee beans.

Instant coffee is almost always of poor quality, while ground coffee has many varieties from bad to superior. The various differences are explained in more detail in this article, but those are the two main points.

Now let us discuss these differences in detail.

1. Ground coffee is the actual coffee bean, while instant coffee is not

The main difference between instant coffee and ground coffee lies in the basic ingredients. The point is that both instant coffee and ground coffee are coffee.

Ground coffee is a collection of coffee beans that have been ground to a certain size. What type of bean is used will determine how good the coffee is.

That is, after the coffee beans are picked and dried and then the beans are separated from the coffee beans, the coffee beans have been roasted to a certain degree.

While instant coffee is ground coffee, which has been brewed into coffee that is actually drinkable. Only the liquid is then cooled and dried (through various processes) so that only the solids remain in the coffee.

2. Instant coffee dissolves in liquid

The next difference between instant coffee and ground coffee is whether or not the coffee dissolves. Instant coffee, like real brewed coffee, will dissolve into the water.

This also means we have to be very careful with how much water we add to instant coffee. Whereas ground coffee will not dissolve in water because coffee grounds are made of large amounts of fiber and they will just sink to the bottom of the glass.

3. Ground coffee has a higher caffeine content

Ground coffee has a higher caffeine content than instant coffee. The way caffeine works is that it is extracted from the actual beans or ground coffee.

This occurs when the coffee grounds are exposed to heat, and releases a liquid. Ground coffee when making coffee drinks is easy to adjust to our liking, so if you want more or less caffeine extract, we can process it.

Whereas with instant coffee we have no control over this. The amount of caffeine extracted only depends on the coffee company that produces the instant coffee.

Often the difference between instant coffee and ground coffee can be felt by coffee lovers.

4. Instant coffee is often of lower quality and cheaper than ground coffee

7 Most Important Differences Between Instant Coffee and Ground Coffee that You Should Know

The next difference between instant coffee and ground coffee is the quality of the coffee beans used. The main reason instant coffee is so bad is that it is almost always made with Robusta beans.

Robusta is a less expensive coffee bean, but has a much higher caffeine content than Arabica. Arabica is what makes most ground coffee, sometimes mixed with a little Robusta for a stronger taste or more caffeine.

5. Instant coffee lasts longer

The difference between instant coffee and ground coffee is the durability. Instant coffee can be stored until the expiration date which is usually stated on the package.

Whereas ground coffee is the opposite. This ground coffee can only be stored for a few days and should be in a dry container and little sunlight. This is so that the aroma and taste do not change.

6. Aroma

The difference between instant coffee and ground coffee is the aroma. The aroma of ground coffee tends to be stronger because the chemical content does not break down or is intact.

Unlike instant coffee, which undergoes various processes before being served, the aroma and taste tend to be less strong.

7. Price

Price is one of the most striking differences between instant coffee and ground coffee. Instant coffee is cheaper and easy to find even in minimarkets.

While ground coffee is much more expensive. The price of ground coffee can even be 2 or 3 times the price of instant coffee together.

Those are some of the differences between instant coffee and ground coffee that you may need to know. If you want to enjoy practical and economical coffee, you can choose instant coffee, but if you want to taste real coffee, you can buy ground coffee.

Want to open a coffee shop? Of course you can, especially for now. Coffee is one of the complementary lifestyles that is loved by all people.

To start a coffee shop business, you can determine what the initial concept will be like? Because at this time there is a concept of cafe-style coffee, traditional, or contemporary coffee.

Everything can of course be adjusted to the capital you have, and your expertise in making coffee

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