7 Powerful Natural Method to Get Rid from Dry Facial Skin

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7 Powerful Natural Method to Get Rid from Dry Facial Skin

Every woman wants to have healthy and well-groomed facial skin. But often skin problems appear and make you insecure.

Besides acne, a skin problem that many people often complain about is dry skin. In addition to rough when touched, dry skin will also look dull.

Causes of Dry Facial Skin You Need to Know

Washing your face too often is one of the causes of dry facial skin

Dry skin requires extra care as it peels off easily. However, the actual cause of dry facial skin can occur due to some habits that you may rarely pay attention to. Let’s find out about the causes on your skin so that you are more careful in treating it.

1. Inappropriate face wash

Not all face washes are suitable for your skin. If it contains ingredients that are too harsh, your skin will actually become dry and feel like it’s stretched. This is caused by the loss of natural oils on the face. Find a soap that leaves your face feeling fresh and still fresh after washing it.

2. Washing your face too often

Washing your face too often can cause dry skin because it reduces the levels of natural oils and causes dehydration of the skin. Therefore, in a day you just wash your face twice. In addition, avoid washing your face with warm water because the keratin will be damaged and fail to wash the moisture of the outermost layer of skin.

3. Environmental factors

Cold air or an environment that has low humidity can trigger dry facial skin. Generally, this happens when you visit out of town or abroad. Low humidity occurs when the weather is hot or you are too close to a heat source, such as a room heater or a campfire, whereas cold weather occurs because there is a drop in temperature.

4. Use of retinol

If you use retinol as an acne medication, this can be one of the causes of dry facial skin because your skin is in the adjustment stage of the retinol working process. However, you need to pay attention if this happens in the long term.

Even if your dry skin is already inflamed, your face will automatically feel sore. To overcome these conditions, it is not enough just to use a moisturizer.

You need additional care such as a mask.

Well, instead of having to do expensive treatments or using masks sold in the market, it’s better to use masks made from natural ingredients.

Besides being more economical, these natural masks also tend to be safer and have minimal side effects.

1. Use fruit full of fiber such as, avocado, banana, and papaya7 Powerful Natural Method to Get Rid from Dry Facial Skin

7 Powerful Natural Method to Get Rid from Dry Facial Skin

Avocados, bananas and papayas are not only famous for their fiber which is good for digestion, it turns out that these three fruits also have beauty benefits, one of which is overcoming dry skin.

You can use avocado, banana and papaya as a natural mask to prevent dry skin.

The method is quite easy, namely mix avocado, banana and ripe papaya into one. After that mash, mix the fruit until smooth.

If it is smooth, apply on the face and other dry skin areas. Then, leave it for about 15 minutes to dry.

Rinse with warm water. For optimal results, do it twice a week.

2. Apples are also effective in rejuvenating the skin

Apples are famous for their skin rejuvenating benefits, thus keeping the skin healthy.

Apples contain potassium and tannin which are useful for maintaining skin moisture so that the skin does not dry out easily and keeps the skin glowing.

To keep your skin healthy, you can use apples as a natural ingredient to treat dry skin.

The method is very easy, namely grate an apple, then the pulp of the grated is applied to dry facial skin.

After 20 minutes, rinse with cold water.

3. Cucumbers have substances that are good for skin health

Cucumbers contain substances that are good for skin health. That’s why many beauty products that use cucumber as the main ingredient.

How to make a cucumber mask is very easy, you only need to grate a cucumber that has been washed first, then apply it on your face or dry skin areas.

Let it soak for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

4. Egg yolk overcome dry skin

Eggs are not only made into foods that are rich in protein. Eggs can also be used as ingredients for hair and skin beauty.

For those of you who have dry skin problems, then you can use egg yolks as an alternative to overcome them.

The trick is to mix 1 teaspoon of egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of powdered milk.

Stir until smooth until it forms a paste. Apply on the face and other dry skin areas.

Leave it for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

5. Honey can give brightness

Honey is well known for its benefits for the health of the body and skin.

Honey has benefits in maintaining skin moisture and is able to brighten and brighten the skin.

Even honey is often used as a medicine to keep lips moist.

How to use honey to treat dry skin is very easy, namely by mixing half a teaspoon of honey with a little rose water.

Apply on dry skin areas. Leave it on for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

6. Almond oil is able to overcome chapped skin

Want to have healthy, naturally beautiful and dry skin?

Almond oil is one of the most powerful alternatives!

In addition to some of the ingredients mentioned above, almond oil is also one of the best natural ingredients that have powerful benefits in overcoming the problem of dry and cracked skin.

It’s very easy, just apply a little almond oil on the face and other dry skin areas. To be more optimal, use it before bathing.

7. Lime gives freshness to dry skin

Lime is no doubt beneficial for skin health.

Besides being useful for treating acne, lime serves to clean the skin so that the skin will look brighter.

To keep your skin healthy and not dry, use a mixture of lime and mashed avocado.

Apply on dry skin, let stand for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly using cold water.

Well, those are some natural ingredients for how to deal with dry facial skin that you can apply as a skin beauty treatment at home.

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