Complete Details About Choosing Right Soap for Acne Skin and how to use it

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Complete Details About Choosing Right Soap for Acne Skin and how to use it

Face soap for acne should not be chosen arbitrarily. Choosing the wrong face wash for acne can make your acne condition worse. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose an acne cleanser with the right active ingredients.

The use of facial soap for acne is one of the acne skin treatments that should not be missed. Therefore, how to choose a facial soap for acne-prone skin should not be arbitrary so that the skin is free from piles of dirt, sebum, and acne-causing bacteria that are at risk of clogging pores.

Instead of healing, the skin problem you are experiencing can get worse and the skin becomes irritated, if you choose the wrong product and  use a face wash for acne.

Causes of Acne

1. Hormonal

Usually this acne appears when you are experiencing PMS or during the first days of your period, 2-3 days after your period is over, or when you are experiencing menopause . This can lead to excess oil production on the face, slowing down the turnover of dead skin cells, and increased androgen hormones in the body, which ultimately makes it easier for acne-causing bacteria (Propionibacterium Acnes) to multiply.

2. Food Allergies

This can cause redness to swelling of the skin. This swelling process will also trigger acne bacteria to multiply more quickly. Well , the tricky thing here is that allergies that you didn’t have time to experience can actually appear along with environmental changes and also age. So it’s good to always be aware of the changes that occur in your skin and body!

3. Unclean Water

Try use drinking water to wash your face for a few days. If the skin becomes calmer, it means that the water in your home is of poor quality. You can install a filter so that the chlorine in the water can be filtered out better, or temporarily use micellar water so that your face doesn’t have to come into contact with the water.

4. Excessive Use of Spot Treatment

Application of topical medications, such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide excess could actually make the skin become more dry, so that the oil production will increase and lead to acne, you know . The active ingredients in it can also have effects such as slightly burning the skin if used too often and making the pimple red and inflamed. Don’t because you want your pimples to dry up or disappear faster, so you think that using more product will speed up the healing process. That’s totally wrong!

5. Use of Hair Products

Hair products such as pomade or gel that have oil-based ingredients usually often cause acne. This happens because the ingredients in it are often comedogenic . Cosmo’s trick is, choose hair styling products that are water-based. But if the problem is with the shampoo, try using a sulfate- and paraben- free shampoo .

6. Use of Detergent

Have you been diligent in washing your pillowcases but acne still appears? Maybe you have sensitive skin and use a detergent that is too harsh in formula. The residue left on the ingredients you wash can irritate sensitive skin, which can lead to breakouts. To fix this, try changing the detergent with a gentler and fragrance-free formula. Or, choose a detergent that is also safe for baby’s skin.

7. Vitamin content

Try checking the content in your multivitamin. If there is iodine in it, then it can be one of the causes of acne. Instead, choose supplements containing zinc , selenium , vitamins A, C, B3, carotenoids , and omegas that can help overcome acne problems.

Tips for choosing the right face wash for acne

Complete Details About Choosing Right Soap for Acne Skin and how to use itAlthough there are many face washes for acne that can be purchased easily in the market, choosing the right product is important for reducing inflammation and improving the overall skin tone of the face.

Here are various tips for choosing the right face wash for acne. acne that can be bought easily in the market, choosing the right product is important to reduce inflammation and improve the overall skin tone of the face.

Here are various tips for choosing the right face wash for acne. 

1. Look for a facial soap for acne that is effective in removing dirt

Therefore, owners of acne-prone skin are advised to choose an antibacterial acne cleansing soap that is effective in removing bacteria, dirt, and sebum on the face which is often the cause of clogged pores. Sebum accompanied by Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that proliferate on the skin can be at risk of causing acne.

Not only does it reduce the risk of developing acne, a clean face can also help the skin to absorb acne treatment products , such as toners, serums, or acne medications .

2. Choose a mild soap content

Avoid using harsh acne cleansers and risk removing the skin’s natural oil production.

In addition, alcohol can damage the skin layer if used for a long time.

Also avoid face wash products for acne prone skin that contain alcohol because it can dry out the skin.

3. Pay attention to the content of the main active ingredients

The active ingredients that are commonly found in facial soap products for acne include:

salicylic acid

That’s why salicylic acid is suitable for use by those of you who have types of acne in the form of blackheads and whiteheads.  beta hydroxy acids / BHA , which work by removing dead skin cells that cause clogged pores.

Salicylic acid for acne can also treat hormonal acne, which is a type of acne that appears due to a hormone that causes an increase in sebum production.

A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology proves that salicylic acid can reduce sebum production on the skin.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is also known for its ability to smooth the skin by reducing the size of pimple bumps. pustule and cystic acne.

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology proved that using 10% benzoyl peroxide in a face wash can improve the appearance of mild to moderate acne.

Sodium sulfacetamide 

The function of sodium sulfacetamide can stop the growth of acne-causing bacteria on the skin.


Some face wash products for acne also contain sulfur. Sulfur is able to reduce excess natural oil on the skin while exfoliating skin cells to prevent pore clogging.

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)

AHAs are exfoliants that can remove oil and clean pores from accumulated dirt and dead skin cells. alpha hydroxy acids / AHAs , such as glycolic acid .

The function of AHAs can also treat signs of acne, such as the appearance of inflammation.

4. Consider the moisturizing content in it

For example, petrolatum, lanolin , ceramide , or other types of humectants (glycerin) to keep skin well hydrated and not lose moisture after washing your face.

5. Avoid certain ingredients 

People with sensitive skin should avoid irritants, such as parabens, fragrances, and alcohol because they can dry out the skin even more. petrolatum can be at risk of clogging the pores of oily facial skin and combination skin.

Is acne cleansing soap effective in treating acne completely?

However, a face wash for acne alone is not enough to completely treat acne.

After washing your face, you can use a toner for acne-prone skin that can restore the skin’s natural pH to keep it balanced.

Complete Details About Choosing Right Soap for Acne Skin and how to use it

To get maximum results, use a topical acne medication every night on the area of ​​​​the skin that has acne. acne ointments that trigger dry skin, such as benzoyl peroxide.

After being applied, the acne cream can be left on overnight. Then, you can wash it when you wake up.

Keep in mind, this topical medication can only be used when you think a pimple will appear or when a pimple has already appeared. If your skin is not acne-prone, this product should not be used.

How to wash your face for acne?

The stages of washing your face need to be done 2 times a day, namely in the morning and evening, and after sweating or exercising.

Then, rub it on the entire face area evenly. If so, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Make sure you don’t scrub your face too hard when washing your face as it can dry out and damage your skin.

Also avoid using sponges or other face wash tools that can risk irritating facial skin.

Next, you can continue treating acne prone skin using toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen (in the morning) or acne medication (at night).

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