Everyone Should Know About These Amazing Benefits of Using Ice Cubes For Face

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Everyone Should Know About These Amazing Benefits of Using Ice Cubes For Face

There are many ways you can do to get healthy and beautiful facial skin. One of them is using ice cubes. Because, the benefits of ice cubes for the face are varied. Yes, looking beautiful doesn’t have to be expensive. Only with the ingredients you have at home, you can get healthy facial skin according to your dreams. Indeed, what are the benefits of ice cubes for facial skin? See the explanation in the following article.

What are the benefits of ice cubes for the face?

However, did you know that the benefits of ice cubes for facial skin are no less abundant?

Here are some benefits of ice cubes for the face that you can try at home.

1. Shrink acneEveryone Should Know About These Amazing Benefits of Using Ice Cubes For Face

One of the benefits of ice cubes for the face is to deflate acne.

The benefits of ice cubes for acne are arguably already quite popular.

When we have acne, the skin can become inflamed or inflamed.

Well, the benefits of ice cubes for facial acne are to relieve signs of inflammation, such as redness, pain, and swelling.

Making ice cubes from green tea is believed to add to the existing anti-acne effect. get rid of acne naturally , you also don’t have to always use ice cubes made from water.

2. Remove wrinkles

However, please note that the benefits of ice cubes for facial skin have never been studied in depth, so further scientific studies are still needed to prove its effectiveness. Eliminate signs of premature aging , such as wrinkles or fine lines.

3. Disguise eye bags

The benefits of compressing the eye area with ice cubes for a few minutes while pressing it slowly are considered to help disguise eye bags that are clearly visible.

The reason is, the cold temperature that comes from the ice cubes can penetrate into the skin so that it can improve blood circulation in the area.

4. Relieves redness on facial skin

Rosacea is a recurring skin disease that causes sufferers to have red facial skin.

In addition to redness of the skin, the symptoms of rosacea are sometimes accompanied by small pimple-like bumps, eye irritation, and thickening of the skin.

When this condition recurs, this is where the benefits of ice cubes for the face can come into play.

How to compress the face with ice cubes can help relieve the symptoms of this disease.

5. Reduce oil on the face

Unfortunately, the benefits of ice cubes for the face have never been scientifically proven to be effective.

6. Relieves sunburned skin or sunburn

In addition to green tea, you can also make ice cubes from aloe vera.

7. Makes skin glowing

Although widely circulated and trusted by the public, there has never been a research result that confirms the benefits of ice cubes for facial skin. glowing or luminous.

8. Relieves puffy face

When experiencing swelling due to the above conditions, how to compress the face with ice cubes can be done to restore the face to its original shape.

Depending on the cause, the benefits of ice cubes for the face you can do once or several times a day for some time until the swelling subsides.

If swelling in the face is caused by allergies, you should immediately contact a doctor, especially if accompanied by other symptoms, such as shortness of breath.

9. Disguise bruises on the face

Besides being able to cause pain, discoloration in this area of ​​the face can certainly be seen very clearly so that it interferes with appearance  cause bruising to occur.

You can reduce the chance of bruising immediately after an impact or injury by applying an ice pack to your face.

Place an ice pack on your face for a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.

Then, remove the compress and let the face rest for 15 minutes.

After that, repeat this step from the beginning for three hours.

To get maximum results, do this method of compressing your face with ice cubes regularly for 36 hours or 3 days after the impact occurs.

10. Relieves chapped lips

By compressing the face with ice cubes, the pain caused by chapped lips or swollen lips can subside. chapped lips , especially those that cause sores.

By compressing the face with ice cubes, the pain caused by chapped lips or swollen lips can subside.

11. Clean facial pores

In addition, the buildup of dead skin cells and dirt can make facial skin look dull and older.

Well , the benefits of ice cubes for the face are able to clean the skin deep into the pores.

Doing it regularly can make the face look healthier, smoother, and radiant.

12. Absorbs skincare  products well

The reason is, the benefits of compressing the face with ice cubes are believed to make ingredients skin care every day, try to apply ice cubes to the surface of the face first.

How to compress the face with ice cubes that are safe?

For those of you who have normal skin or do not have significant skin problems, it’s fine to get the benefits of ice cubes for the face.

Therefore, you are advised to first consult with a dermatologist to find out whether you can get the benefits of ice cubes for the face or not.

The doctor may provide input according to your skin condition, medications you are taking, or your overall health condition.

If you’ve got the “green light” from the doctor, here’s how to compress the face with ice cubes that are safe to do.

  • Make sure you’ve made ice cubes out of water and put them in the freezer .
  • Clean your face with water and facial cleanser first.
  • It’s best not to put ice cubes directly on your face as soon as you take them out of the fridge. You are advised to soak it first to eliminate the effects of excessive cold shock.
  • Then, wrap a few ice cubes in a washcloth or clean cloth.
  • How to compress the face with ice cubes starts with sticking it on the area where there are skin problems.
  • Compress the face while doing a gentle massage in circular motions for 1-2 minutes.
  • Do not be too long to compress the face with ice cubes.
  • Use another clean cloth to dry any water droplets from the ice cubes.

Keep in mind, if during the method of compressing the face with ice cubes your skin feels uncomfortable and a burning sensation occurs, you should stop immediately and consult a dermatologist.

Everyone Should Know About These Amazing Benefits of Using Ice Cubes For Face

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