Everyone should know these causes of itching and these effective ways to get rid of it

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Everyone should know these causes of itching and these effective ways to get rid of it

How to get rid of itching on the body is important for you to know as an initial treatment step. The causes of itching on the skin are generally dry skin, skin diseases, allergies, to systemic diseases.

Itching of the skin is a problem that is quite often experienced by anyone. The cause of itching on the skin can be due to various things. Generally, itchy skin conditions are not too dangerous and easy to treat. However, if the itching on the skin does not go away, there could be a serious cause behind it.

What causes itchy skin?

Everyone should know these causes of itching and these effective ways to get rid of itUsually, itchy skin does not show any symptoms on the surface of the skin. However, in some cases, itching on the skin shows changes in the skin, such as peeling skin, scaly skin, rashes, bumps, reddish spots, to the appearance of a limp fluid. dry skin . Although common to anyone, itchy skin or pruritus is more common in older people. The reason, they tend to have dry skin.

Not only triggered by dry skin, there are various things that cause itching on the skin, namely:

1. Skin disease

One of the causes of itching on the skin that does not go away may indicate another skin disease. Some types of skin diseases that cause itching are as follows.

  • Ringworm
  • hives
  • Scabies
  • Chicken pox
  • Insect bites
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
  • Dyshidrotic eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis

Usually, this condition is also characterized by skin that gets more itchy when you scratch it.

2. Allergies

The next cause of itching on the skin is an allergic reaction .

Contact dermatitis aka allergy is a skin reaction when exposed to a certain allergen.

Allergies usually cause skincare or cosmetics, food, pollen, cold air, animal hair, to sun exposure.

Allergies usually cause red spots on the skin accompanied by itching and swelling.

3. Insect bites

Insect bites can cause itching on the skin. Itching of the skin from insect bites, fire ants, and mosquitoes is usually accompanied by red spots.

However, bed bug bites or mites can cause a larger rash and cause itching on the skin.

4. Nervous disorders

Yes, nerve damage can occur due to injury, or certain medical conditions that originate from within the body.
skin rash

Some diseases that can cause itching due to nervous disorders, namely stroke, multiple sclerosis , and herpes zoster .

5. Systemic diseases in the body

Some types of diseases that can cause complaints of itching on the skin, among others:

  • Diabetes
  • Liver disease (liver)
  • Kidney disorders
  • An overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism)
  • Anemia
  • Autoimmune disease
  • HIV
  • Cancer, such as Hodgkin’s lymphomaoma

6. Pregnancy

The cause of itching on the skin during pregnancy is hormonal changes. However, in some cases, itching during pregnancy can be caused by certain skin conditions.

7. Psychological conditions

Because, these psychological conditions can cause chemical reactions in the body so that the skin becomes more sensitive. Stress , depression, or anxiety disorders can also cause itchy skin.

8. Use of certain drugs

To fix this, you need to ask your doctor first. The doctor will give you recommendations on how to deal with the itching on the skin you are experiencing, or maybe change the dose or change the prescribed medication. aspirin , prescription opioid pain medications, and blood pressure medications. In addition, cancer treatment can also cause itchy skin.

How to get rid of itching on the skin?

Basically, how to get rid of itching on the skin must be in accordance with the cause.

Therefore, it never hurts to consult a doctor first to find out the cause of the itchy skin you are experiencing.
Here’s how to get rid of itching on the skin that is commonly done.

1. Cold compress

This step aims to soothe itchy skin that appears constantly and doesn’t go away
How to do it, wet a clean towel or cloth with cold water, wring out the water.
Then, paste it on the inflamed or itchy skin area.

2. Don’t take too long a bath

Bathing for too long actually makes the skin dry so itchy feelings appear more easily.
Use room temperature bath water and a mild soap to remove dirt and oil from the skin.
Avoid using bath soaps containing deodorant, perfume, and alcohol.
Then, wear clothing that doesn’t itch, such as loose-fitting clothes or cotton.

3. Apply moisturizer

You can apply moisturizer right after bathing or when your skin feels dry.

4. Don’t scratch the skin

As a result, the healing process will become increasingly difficult to do.

5. Use anti-itch cream

If the red spots on the skin are accompanied by itching, an anti-itch cream, such as calamine lotion, may be used.
This itchy skin medication works to soothe the skin so as to prevent you from scratching the skin further which could potentially cause the itching to get worse.

6. Antihistamines Obat

You can get over-the- counter allergy medicine for itching in the pharmacy to stop the allergic reaction that causes itching on the skin.

7. Steroid drugs

However, be sure to consult your doctor first before using steroid medications. Therefore, steroids should not be purchased freely in pharmacies. helps relieve itching accompanied by inflammation.

8. Consultation with a doctor

Especially, if home remedies and over-the-counter medications don’t cure itchy skin.
You also need to see a doctor if itchy skin lasts more than 2 weeks, even to the point of interfering with your activities or sleep.

Likewise, if the itchy skin appears suddenly, affects all parts of the body, it is accompanied by other medical complaints.

Everyone should know these causes of itching and these effective ways to get rid of it

The doctor will diagnose the complaints you are experiencing after listening to an explanation of the history of the disease and observing the symptoms of skin changes.

Later, the doctor will give medicine or recommend certain medical actions according to your condition.
If there are no symptoms on the skin surface or the doctor suspects certain diseases, you may be asked to do further test.

5 Natural ways to get rid of itching

1. Aloe vera 

Aloe vera is one of the home plants with a myriad of benefits, one of which can relieve irritation and itchy skin. Currently, there are also many products that sell aloe vera in the form of a gel and can be directly applied to irritated or itchy skin. This herbal plant also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory which can help reduce redness, inflammation, and pain associated with skin irritation.

Another benefit, aloe vera has antimicrobial properties that can prevent irritation from becoming an infection, can maintain skin moisture, and have sedative properties to treat pain.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can treat itchy skin caused by an allergic reaction. Just use a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar on itchy skin. In addition, it can be compressed using cotton soaked in apple cider vinegar to treat itching on the skin.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is believed to treat skin problems, such as itchy skin, acne, psoriasis, and eczema. The protein content in coconut oil can help the regeneration process of skin cells that can repair damaged and irritated skin. Coconut oil is also effective as a skin moisturizer, especially for people with dry skin.

4. Fruit skin

Some fruit peels can be used as medicine to treat itching on the skin. Watermelon rind which contains anti-inflammatory can serve to soothe irritation of the skin or itching and can refresh the skin. In addition, there is a banana peel that can also overcome itchy red skin because it can moisturize the skin.

5. Olive oil

oil can heal skin conditions that are dry, itchy, or irritated that cause skin redness. This olive oil contains oleochantal which can relieve discomfort due to inflammation in the skin, especially on the facial skin.

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